I believe, as I hope you do, that God is doing an amazing work among us, our community, and our world. In December, you as a church family overwhelmingly affirmed as God’s will moving forward in the planning for a new Family Life Center, Fellowship Space, Student Center, and Welcome Center. As you are aware, this is a God-size project that will require God-sized financial support.
Campaign Purpose
As The Lord provides the resources, we will launch our He is Able capital campaign to fund Phase 1 of our building project. Phase 1 will include the following project highlights to accomplish God’s plan and vision in the days ahead.

All Next Gen – 5K to 12th Grade – will meet for an exciting morning together. Our student band will be leading worship, and we’ll have a message along with games and other fun activities. Donuts will be provided. It’s a morning you do not want to miss, and we hope to see you there!