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The Lord is clearly at work in the life of our church right now, and He is calling Millbrook to make an impact in our community like never before. As God continues to bless our church with new families, the addition of our new Family Life Center, Multi-purpose Fellowship Space, Student Worship Center, and Welcome Center will allow Millbrook to reach more children, students, adults, and senior adults with the hope of the Gospel. We have an incredible opportunity right now to answer God’s calling and get our house in order such that we might be a model of excellence regionally and a message of evangelism ringing out globally. Please join what God is doing to impact Aiken and the world like never before!

Project Highlights



This new space will serve as our home base of outreach for all areas related to sports and recreation.


Because we have an open-door policy with our community, this will serve both our church and community in providing a large multi-purpose space that will likely be utilized every day of the week for ministries such as Abiding in Aiken, Men’s and Women’s Ministry, Senior Adult Events, and Outreach Events. In addition, the community will utilize this space for wedding receptions, meals prior to funerals, school awards ceremonies, etc. This space will be equipped with a commercial kitchen and will have full audio/visual components to allow many ministry opportunities.


The new student center will incorporate a large gathering space that will be enhanced by the proximity to the Family Life Center. Each grade will also have individual classroom space for Connect Groups, and the center will allow much additional outreach with a seating capacity of 400 students.


Currently, when looking at the back of our building there are 12 doors with no clear method of determining the best way to enter. This welcome center will serve as a clear front door on this side of our facility and as a hub of the wheel to provide easy access to every ministry location.

How will we pay for this?

How will building help us reach our community for Christ?

How can I help?

First and foremost, please pray regularly for our He Is Able campaign.

  • Participate in the events and meetings. Please commit to learn as much as you can about the campaign and the vision it will help us realize.
  • Give sacrificially. The vision God has granted us can only be achieved through faith and sacrifice. We have the privilege to be part of seeing God work like never before!

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